South African Armoured Vehicles Spare Parts
Puma M36 Spare Parts
Casspir 4×4 MRAP Parts
South African Armoured Vehicles Spare Parts
BCS Bore Cleaning Systems have access to one of the leading suppliers in spare parts of the following South African Military Armoured Vehicles. BCS Truck Spares has large stocks of new and refurbished spare parts for Buffel MPV’s, Casspir MPV’s, Mamba 4×4 MPV’s, Puma MRAP, Ratel IFV, Samil Trucks, and Unimog 416.
CASSPIR 4X4 Spare Parts

The Casspir is a 4×4 MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicle, designed with a V-shaped hull to achieve maximum protection against Land Mines blasts. It carries a crew of 2+12 in standard configuration.
The Casspir is a 4×4 MRAP (Mine Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicle, designed with a V-shaped hull to achieve maximum protection against Land Mines blasts. It carries a crew of 2+12 in standard configuration.
MAMBA 4X4 Spare Parts

MAMBA is a 4×4
The MAMBA is a 4×4 MRAP (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicle, with significant off-road capabilities.
The MAMBA is a 4×4 MRAP vehicle, which offers protection against Land Mines as well as grenades, fire bombs, and small arms fire. It carries a standard crew of 2 + 9, who enjoy a clear 360° field of vision through the relatively large windows.
PUMA M26-15 Spare Parts

PUMA M26-15 Family of Vehicles
The Puma M26-15 4×4 is an armored personnel carrier (APC) with mine and improvised explosive device (IED) protection. The V-shaped hull Puma M26 4×4 vehicle is protected against mine blasts and Improvised Explosive Devices (IED). The Puma M26 is an option over the Puma M36 when a lighter and smaller mine protected vehicle is required.
PUMA M36 Spare Parts

PUMA M36 Family of Vehicles
The v-shaped hull Puma M36 4×4 is an armoured personnel carrier (APC) with mine and IED protection. It is an evolutionary and larger extension of the Puma M26.
The main users are military and police during peace keeping, homeland security and other asymmetric warfare operations. Other roles include, high mobility mine protected patrol vehicle, ambulance, mine protected weapon carrier and mine protected command vehicle
Ratel IFV Spare Parts

Ratel Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)
The Ratel SLEP [Service Life Extension Plan] offers the end-user a cost-effective solution to extend the life span of the Ratel 6×6. Improved mobility, protection and firepower makes the Ratel SLEP an attractive proposition to all Ratel users’.
SAMIL 50 Spare Parts

SAMIL 50 4×4
The SAMIL 50 4×4 is a genuine off-road workhorse. Capable of transporting a 5-ton payload almost anywhere, the SAMIL 50 is used in many applications throughout Southern & Eastern Africa. Built for the South African Military, the SAMIL range of trucks are robust, versatile and proven.
SAMIL 100 Spare Parts

SAMIL 100 6×6
The SAMIL 100 6×6 is an excellent off-road load carrier. Capable of transporting a 10-ton payload almost anywhere, the SAMIL 100 is used in many applications throughout Southern & Eastern Africa. Built for the South African Military, the SAMIL range of trucks are robust, versatile and proven.