Tube and Pipe Inspection By Laser Measurement

Automated Barrel Inspection & 3D Measurement
Small Arms – Light Gun – Tank Barrel – Artillery Bore

Measurement & Laser Inspection For Pipes, Stators, Extruders, Tubes, Drains

BCS Borescopes

BCS has been designing and manufacturing The Large Bore Series of portable video systems for Industrial Inspection, Military, Tactical Surveillance, Physical Security, and Collapse Rescue.

  • Suitable For

 Our inspection devices are designed to measure inner geometrical dimensions of:-

2D/3D Laser Profile Scanner
Fast, Non-Contact 3D Optical Profiling
Any material of any form – any type and quality of surface.
Bores,  Tubes, Stators, Barrels, Siphons and Smooth & Rifles Pipes

Non-Contact Laser Measurement

Camera Solutions For: Calibers 5.56 mm to 240 mm.
Information RequiredRequest Custom Borescope
Order a custom-built borescope for your applications.
BCS we can customize a solution for your most challenging, and inaccessible viewing areas.