Nano Weapon Gun Oil

Firearm Cleaning Oil & Lubricant
Weapon Oil Flashpoint Greater Than >250°C

Nano Weapon Gun Oil (NWGO)

Weapon Gun Oil A revolutionary and modern Nano Technology Preservation Solution for All Military Weapons and Systems. Weapon Gun Oil has been specially designed to protect weapons and weapon parts, such as action, bolt, magazines, cartridge bearings, trigger, safety, barrel, etc. Against Humidity and Corrosion.

Nano Weapon Gun Oil (NWGO)

Weapon Gun Oil specially formulated with Nano C5 spherical nanoparticles are several times stronger than nanoceramics and can withstand extreme temperatures and loads. Such as Cold, Heat, Dust, Dirt, Humidity and Salt Air – keeping your weapon in ready condition for extended periods of time.

Nano Weapon Gun Oil (NWGO)

Exceptional anti-friction properties of this lubricant and protectorant, suitable for all
small arms weapons,  improving the overall functioning and effectiveness.

MilSpec SpecificationsResults
Lower Explosion Limits:0,6 Vol.-%.
Upper Explosion Limits:10,9 Vol.-%.
Temperature Range:-54°C to + 150°C / – 65.2°F to 302°F.
Flash Point:ISO 2719 Greater Than >250°C.
Boiling Point:ISO 3405 Greater Than >220°C.
Viscosity:DIN 53211- n.d sec (2mm cup).
Pour Point:ASTM D97 <-40°C
Self-Inflammability:Product Is Not Self Igniting.
Density @ 20°C:0,842 g/cm3.
Storage Temp.0°C to +25°C.
Penetrating Power:High Metal Penetration.
Military Weapon Lubrication Oil Gun Oil Flashpoint Greater Than 250°C
Weapon Gun Oil Four Ball Wear and EP Tests
ItemProductDescriptionPDFFree Gun Oils QuoteEmail BCS
InformationMilspec OilNWGO

Sizes Available

Custom: 20ml to 1,000L IBC
Plastic Containers or Aerosol Cans

Subject to Min Order Requirements


  • Cannot be mixed up with water and does not emulsify.
  • Free of resin, silicones, acrylics, Teflon, and aromatic solvents.
  • Nano C5 is entirely ashless, non-metallic and free of hazardous materials.
  • Does not contain polycyclic hydrocarbons, nor fluorine or chlorine hydrocarbons.
  • Nano C5 Technology resists static carbon & micro dirt particle attraction on weapon parts.
  • Resistant against surfactants; it can be cleaned with other BCS products, or solvent based alcoholic cleaners.
  • Is weather and temperature resistant and remains fully effective in the range between – 55°C and + 130°C.
  • Does not react with conventional plastics, rubber, glass, coatings (including isolating varnish), ceramic, brass, aluminum (general, raw and polished), stainless steel, raw iron, zinc, metals, solder, textiles, wood and coils.

Instructions For Use

  1. Nano Weapon Gun Oil has to applied by direct to the weapon surface, using the aerosol can, a cleaning cloth, or a weapon patch and jag.
  2. Make sure that the product can reach every area that are to be protected.
  3. Wait for a few minutes for product to be absorbed into the metal pores and remove excess liquid by using a clean cloth.
  4. You may spray pray directly into the barrel to achieve best results. wait for few minutes and use dry patch to remove excess.


Nano Weapon Gun Oil will not dry out or harden. There will remain a slight residue on the treated objects.


Do not use too much Nano Weapon Gun Oil
Applying a thin layer, with occasional re-lubrication, gives a better result than a thick layer

About Nano C5 Technology

Nano C5 technology is culmination of over a decade of research in the field of solid boundary nano materials resulting in a new spherical laser cut and surface activated nanoparticle of around 5nm in diameter, the element of which is trade secret. Nano C5 spherical nanoparticles are several times stronger than nanoceramics and can withstand extreme temperatures and loads.

  • The unique formulation of the product ensures the safe use of your weapon in Harsh Environmental Conditions, such as cold, heat, dust, dirt, sand, and salty environments.
  • Because of a special Nanotechnological compound, it builds a long-lasting protective layer on the molecular level of the surface, to protect it from abrasion, rust (corrosion), moisture, and other impurities.

ASTM D2625B: Falex Pin & V Block Test Procedure B Load Carrying Capacity

ASTM D2625 – Endurance (Wear) Life and Load-Wear Carrying Capacity of Solid Film Lubricants (Falex Pin and Vee Method)

Bonded solid film lubricants protect metal surfaces from wear during normal and extreme pressure operations. These lubricants are exceptionally attractive for use in inaccessible locations, and where cleanliness is a concern. This test uses a Falex Pin and Vee Block Test Machine to evaluate the solid film’s (1) ability to protect metal from wear (Procedure A), or (2) load-carrying capacity (Procedure B).

In Procedure A, the vee blocks and pins are coated and cured with the test solid film lubricant, placed in the machine and aligned. The machine is run for a break in period and load is slowly added until the test conditions are reached. A steady state torque value is obtained. The machine is then run and the time it takes for either a torque increase of 10 in-lbf or a pin breakage is recorded and reported.

In Procedure B, the vee blocks and pins are likewise coated and cured with the test solid film lubricant, the machine is set up as above and the steady state torque is determined. The load is increased in one-minute increments until the pin breaks or the torque rises by 10 in-lbf (1.13N m). Reported is the last load that was sustained for one minute.