Small Arms Cleaning Brush

Pistol Rifle Honing Brushes
Rifle Chamber Flex Hone Brushes

Small Arms Cleaning Brush

Bore Cleaning Systems are now offering both 5.56 NATO and the 7.62 NATO chamber Flex-Hones. The NATO flex hone brush ideally suited for all Mini Guns / Gatling Guns / Electrically Driven Rotary Breech Weapons / High Fire Rate Cannons.

The SACB Series is a resilient, flexible honing brush with a soft cutting action. Whether it’s cleaning or polishing a weapon barrel. The SACB brush will provide a superior surface finish with a crosshatched pattern. Guaranteed to remove the copper layer and all firing residues.

ItemCleaning Barrels or BoresDescriptionPDFFree Bore QuoteEmail BCS
InformationSmall Arms BrushesSACB Cleaning Brush
SAPB Polishing Brush
SAMB Mop Brush

Small Arms Brush Series

  • SACB Series Cleaning Brushes 120 Grit (Min Qty x 10 Brushes)
    Removes all firing residue, including copper, carbon lead and plastic.
  • SAPB Series Polishing Brushes 180 Grit (Min Qty x 10 Brushes)
    Polish and Fine tune your barrel, remove scratches or fine marks.
  • SAMB Series Cotton Swab Mop Brush (Min Qty x 10 Brushes)
    They are made of the highest quality construction possible.

Standard Calibers

ItemPart NumberMaterialCalibers
SACBBBronze Bristle5.56 mm to 15.2 mm
SACNBNylon Bristle5.56 mm to 15.2 mm
SACSBSilicon Carbide5.56 mm to 15.2 mm
SACMBMop / Swab5.56 mm to 15.2 mm
Optional Extra Calibers6.5 mm Creedmoor /  10 mm Pistol / .45 ACP / .338 Lapua Magnum.

Small Arms Carbon Adapter
The small arms adapter is a custom carbon rod that fits onto the SAFS 635 shaft. Once attached you can even clean all you 5.56 mm barrels. This is truly the most versatile and adaptable small arms cleaning system available today.

We can make the carbon rod to order, to your requested barrel length.

BCS Small Arms Adapter
Standard Calibers 5.56 mm.

Optional Extra Calibers
6.5 mm Creedmoor /  10 mm Pistol.